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The Economic Development Commission held a regular meeting on Tuesday, November 17, 2009 in Conference
Room #3 at the Municipal Center, 3 Primrose Street in Newtown.  

Present:  Robert Rau (Chair), Mitchell Bolinsky, Ted Kreinik, Martha LaMarche, Donald Sharpe, and Wes Thompson.

Absent:  David Howard, Catherine Adsitt, Robert Morey

1.      Call to Order:  Chairman Rau called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m.

2.      Approval of Minutes – Mr. Bolinsky motioned to approve the minutes of October 20, 2009.  Mr. Kreinik seconded the motion.  The motion was approved unanimously.

3.      Public Participation – No members of the public were present.
4.      Reports

a.      Director, Economics and Community Development – No report.  Ms. Stocker was not present.

b.      Subcommittee Reports

i.      Business Advocacy/Retention (Adsitt, Sharpe, Morey, Howard) - Mr. Sharpe was pleased to report that the temporary signage policy was approved by Planning and Zoning.  Everyone thanked him for his efforts in this endeavor.  Mr. Bolinsky was pleased that all agencies worked together in this accomplishment.  Mr. Kreinik asked if there were any way to measure the effectiveness of the size of the signs.  Ms. LaMarche said that banners can only be left up for a limited time and the results of the signs will vary.  The progress could be monitored.  Mr. Rau said that it was a good experience all around with everyone working together.    

ii.     Maximization of Potential Sites for Economic Development (LaMarche, Bolinsky, Sharpe, Kreinik) – Mr. Rau discussed properties in town that are available.  Mr. Kreinik discussed having information included on the website such as the contact person and the size of the location.  Ms. LaMarche discussed the updating of the website and suggested hiring a part time person.  She said there may be a student at the high school interested in working a few hours per week.  The commission also discussed a contract with CGI communications that will provide a community video tour for the Town’s website for free.  Mr. Thompson said he has heard great feedback on CGI.  Ms. LaMarche also discussed the commission getting someone to continue on with the graphic needs and critiquing.  Mr. Rau stated that there may be a shift with EDC’s marketing efforts and that the budget may need to be increased.  Mr. Bolinsky discussed starting an internship program with the high school students where they receive school credit.  Mr. Rau stated that a budget will need to be put together and that no official action can be taken yet.  

Mr. Sharpe motioned to allocate $500 towards part time help to assist in updating the website, beginning at $10.00 per hour.  Mr. Bolinsky seconded the motion.  Motion carried unanimously.  

Mr. Kreinik asked if the site locations are updated.  This will be checked into.  It was suggested to have a separate meeting on maximization and the website.

iii.    Facilitate the Maintenance/Development of Agricultural Businesses (Thompson, Morey, Howard) - Mr. Thompson noted that Litchfield received the USDA Farmers Market Promotion Grant. He also discussed his research in helping a small farm that has only three acres of land and that cannot receive tax abatements.  He also spoke with Mary Fellows from the Farmers Market.  They seem to like the Middle School location across from Big Y.  The commission discussed expanding into the equestrian area.

iv.     Alternative Energy - Tech Park (Kreinik, Bolinsky, Thompson) – Mr. Kreinik stated that Noel Lafayette is not ready to discuss the brown fields yet for the solar panels.  There may be another company interested in discussing this, but they are going through a change of management.  Mr. Rau asked how portable the solar panels are.  Mr. Kreinik said they are secured into the ground.  The investment is substantial and the film is less expensive than thermal or silicon panels.  Technology keeps changing as well.  Mr. Kreinik stated that the Clean Energy Task Force has morphed into the Sustainable Energy Commission.  Members will be appointed.  The commission will be looking into energy efficiency for residential, industrial and business.

v.      Evaluate/Upgrade as needed EDC Marketing Aids (LaMarche, Adsitt, Thompson) – Please see #4 (b)  ii.  

5.      Old Business

a.      Tech Park – No Updates.  

b.      Salute to Business – Mr. Rau said the Salute to Business was successful.  It was suggested that either the location is changed for next year or that there should be some changes if held at Rock Ridge.

6.      New Business

a.      Election of Officers – Mr. Rau read a letter from David Howard regarding his membership on the commission.  The commission will accept Mr. Howard’s resignation.  Mr. Rau asked for volunteers to be on the nominating committee.  Mr. Kreinik has volunteered and others are encouraged to join a nominating committee.  Mr. Rau said to aim for a December 15, 2009 election and asked the commission for names of people to fill the commission’s vacancies.

7.      Adjournment – Ms. LaMarche motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 pm.  Motion seconded by Mr. Kreinik.  Motion carried unanimously.

Respectfully submitted by

Tammy Hazen, Clerk